CBA Proposal Gives Revenue From Sports Betting To NFL Players

  • The NFL is seeking the approval of the new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) by their players.
  • Owners from the league have already voted to back the new CBA.
  • Under the proposal’s stipulations, NFL players would see revenue from the sports betting market wherever it pertains to NFL gambling.

NEW YORK – The new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) that NFL owners voted in favor of now needs to be voted on by the players themselves and it promises monetary profits from sports betting revenue within the 456-page contract.

If players do not agree to the terms set in the new CBA, the old one will continue to be used for the 2020 season. However, under the newer version, players are entitled to bank on the sports betting market when it involves anything related to the NFL.

What Would Players Gain?

Over 400 pages of legal jargon is a lot to process. The CBA uses the phrasing revenue on gambling countless times. While no set percentage is clarified, it goes over every aspect to which players would benefit from the gambling on sporting events market for the NFL.

In short, if the NFL is gaining anything from the betting market, be it in stadiums, on games, or players themselves, all athletes would get a cut. Therefore, the more sports betting that occurs on the NFL during the season would allow the athletes to make more money on top of what they already make through their individual contracts.

The inclusion and sheer number of times that gambling on the NFL is mentioned in the new CBA is a testament to how popular the sports betting market has become.

It also shows how the league is embracing the market with open arms. Football players could stand to gain a hefty bonus from revenue if the majority vote is in favor of the new CBA the way the NFL owners have.

Of course, with all that’s mentioned in terms of profiting from bets on the matchups in which they play, the documents also have to reiterate that gambling on football should in no way affect the integrity of the game.

If any player is caught engaging in betting on the games or is in any way associated with gambling on the NFL, they will be dealt with accordingly.

It is of the utmost importance for the NFL to show fans that the integrity of the game remains intact and there is never a question as to whether or not a game has been “fixed” for profit.

Aside from the money factor, the new CBA pushes for a 17-game season. This will result in one less preseason game being played which means that players will still play the same number of games as they always have except one will actually “count” toward their season record come playoff time for the Super Bowl. Sports betting is a billion-dollar industry and plenty of that goes into NFL bets.

Even the smallest percentage of revenue given to the players of the league would make a huge difference. It’s now up to the athlete on how they choose to vote on the new CBA. The players have until March 12 to get their votes in.

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