- The Super Bowl is a time when all different companies decide to air their new products to the public.
- Ad space has run out for the game but the purchase price did not come cheap.
- It cost companies in upwards of $10 million for a 60-second slot.
MIAMI - The Super Bowl is just as much about the advertisements as it is about the game, so what commercials will you be seeing throughout the match?
The championship game for the NFL is one of the biggest stages of viewership worldwide, making it the prime time for companies to run ads for their products. Thirty seconds of air time costs a whopping $5.6 million, meaning that these commercials better bring their best for that price.
Commercials Slated To Air
Super Bowl ad space occurs from the time of the coin toss till the last play of the game. Those betting on Super Bowl 54 have just as much reason to watch these companies make their appearance as there are often odds for them as well.
Plenty of companies have snatched up all available spots, despite the high prices. Last year, Coca Cola chose not to run a commercial during the game. This year, they bought 60 seconds of time and are considering multiple new products to show the public, including their new Coke Energy beverage.
The ever-popular Cheetos by Frito-Lay is returning to the Super Bowl air space after 11 years for a 30-second ad. They have decided to roll out their new venture, Cheetos popcorn, which will come in both Cheddar and Flamin’ Hot flavors. Doritos, another Frito-Lay product also has a 30-second commercial where they will show off their new Flamin’ Hot Limon flavor set to come out.
Pringles, the chips that are made by the Kellogg company will air a 30 second commercial about their latest partnership. They have partnered with the television show “Rick and Morty” to bring out new flavors that relate to the program. “Pickle Rick” is one of the new flavor combinations coming out through this partnership.
Heinz from the Kraft Heinz company bought 30 seconds worth of ad space to show viewers their new products. These new products include mixed up flavors like a “HoneyRacha” which will be a honey-infused sriracha sauce.
While many of the products that will be airing commercials are from the food and beverage market, cars will also be making their own advertisements. The public will be able to get their first look at the Electric Hummer. GMC will be producing these vehicles but no launch date as to when the public will be able to purchase them has been set. There has been talk of a Hummer SUV with a 2023 launch though.
From a political standpoint, both President Donald Trump and Democratic candidate Michael Bloomberg have each purchased a 60-second slot to help their campaigns. The two men are seeking to be elected in the 2020 Presidential Election.
Super Bowl ads are always as much fun to see as the game itself. Viewers have a chance to be entertained while seeing all of the latest products to be unveiled by the companies with commercial time. Sportsbooks will even have prop bets on the commercials being aired, that’s how popular these ads have become for the overall Super Bowl experience.
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Christina has been writing about all things related to sports and sports betting since 2019. She loves to be well informed about Super Bowl updates occurring in the world of sports betting. This allows for her and her readers to know the best wagers to make and where.